Whoever causes death by doing an act with,
- Intention of causing death.
- Intentionally causing bodily injury which is likely to cause death.
- Doing act with knowledge that it is likely to cause death.
Section 300 defines Murder.
Whoever causes death by doing an act with.
- Intention of causing death.
- Causing such bodily injury as the offender knows it is likely to cause death of person.
- Intentionally causing bodily injury which is sufficient to cause death.
- Doing act with knowledge that it is so imminently dangerous and in all probability causes death.
The question is when
death of man is to be treated as culpable homicide or murder. there is
thin difference between the murder and culpable homicide.why this
difference is important because the culpable homicide carries maximum
punishment of life imprisonment and where as murder carries
death sustenance. 2 and 3 Ingrident of 299 and 3 and 4 of
300 difference is on apparent. read the marked words the difference
would be noticed. if the death of the person is more than survival then
it is murder. On the other hand death is likely, means survival and
death are in the same proportionate, then it is culpable homicide. it
depends upon what kind of weapon offender has used and where the
injuries are caused.suppose the offender has